
How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

Whether you’re having a carpenter ant problem in your home or garden, there are different methods to get rid of them. The best method for getting rid of them is to kill the queen. If you have a large colony, it may take a professional exterminator several treatments to completely eliminate the ants.

One of the most common methods of getting rid of carpenter ants is to apply a liquid insecticide to the nest. This method is easier than insecticide dust, and it doesn’t require an applicator. Alternatively, you can use a mist treatment on the infested wood. These treatments destroy the nests within wooden structures.

If you don’t want to use liquid insecticides, you can also use vinegar as a natural carpenter ant deterrent. Vinegar has an antiseptic and disinfectant property. You can apply it to window sills, countertops, and other surfaces.

Another method to get rid of carpenter ants is to use boric acid powder. You can get this at your local garden supply store. Boric acid is a natural poison that kills ants. However, it can cause allergic reactions, so you should use it with caution.

There are also some natural alternatives to insecticides, such as diatomaceous earth. You should avoid using chemical dusts, as they can be dangerous to pets and children.

If you want to get rid of carpenter ants by yourself, you can find the nests by following the ants. They travel in trails and follow scented trails.