
How to Deal With Flying Ants

Unlike termites, flying ants don’t cause any structural damage to your home, but they can be a nuisance. The first step to combating a flying ant infestation is to identify and eliminate the source of the problem.

The main difference between flying ants and termites is that the former tends to nest in wood. They also eat wood, but not as much as termites.

Termites are highly destructive. They eat cellulose, which is a fiber found in trees and plants. They also damage wood behind surfaces. If you’ve got a termite problem, contact a pest control company for help.

Another difference is that the wings of flying ants are much smaller than those of termites. They also have a twisted shape.

They also have a different size, with the top pair being larger than the bottom pair. These insects are attracted to light and heat, and they may swarm around lights and windows. They may also be found in dry wood.

A good way to get rid of flying ants is by using a product that contains insecticidal dust. This can be sprayed on the ground surface where the insects land. Alternatively, you can use a barrier made of diatomaceous earth.

The best way to deal with flying ants is to get rid of any potential sources of food, such as food scraps or crumbs. Seal any cracks or holes, and keep all food out of sight.

Another way to prevent ants from invading your home is to use dark curtains. You can also keep your outdoor lights turned off during peak pest season.