
How Much Does 35 000 Ants Weigh?

Counting ants has long been a fascination for naturalists. According to one study, there are at least 13,000 species of ants on Earth, ranging in size from one milligram to thirty milligram.

In addition, there is a tremendous amount of static weight that ants can carry. This is because their bodies are very small. They can lift an item that is twice their weight with their legs. They are also capable of lifting objects with a high acceleration.

Scientists have calculated that the total biomass of ants on Earth exceeds the biomass of all wild birds and mammals. In addition, the biomass of ants is more than twenty percent of the total human biomass on Earth.

Several studies have estimated that the number of ants on Earth is twenty-quadruples. One of these estimates comes from Harvard University professor Edward O. Wilson, who said, “Insects run the world.”

There are more than fifteen thousand species of ants in the world. Most experts agree that the average ant weighs less than ten milligrams.

Ants are surprisingly abundant in arid regions and forests. However, ants become less common in human-made habitats. The temperature appears to be the major abiotic factor affecting their distribution. In addition, ants are less abundant in mountainous regions.

The ant population has a peak in the tropics. The Mediterranean region is predicted to remain a biodiversity center for ants. However, several higher-latitude areas may have to drop out of the model.