
How Much Borax to Kill Ants

Whether you’re using it to kill ants, weeds, or pollinators, Borax is an eco-friendly way to kill pests. You can buy Borax at your local grocery store. It’s also used in cosmetics and as a substitute for harsh laundry detergents.

You can use Borax to kill ants by pouring a solution of one part Borax and three parts water. This solution should be left to soak for about an hour. Then, it’s a good idea to wipe it off with a cloth.

Another method of killing ants is to use a borax and sugar combination. This recipe will make a thick paste, which is easy to spread on a piece of cardstock. You’ll want to use a plastic or glass container to avoid spilling the mix.

This recipe is also one of the easiest to make. For instance, you can make a small hole in the bottom of a container and pour the mixture in. The ants will find it and take it back to the nest.

To get the best results, place your borax and sugar mix in a weighted object with a small opening. You could use a glass bottle, a fast food beverage cup, or some other small container.

It’s no secret that ants are attracted to sweets. They’ll also tell other ants about it. You’ll need to replace the bait regularly to make sure you’re getting rid of them.

While you’re at it, make sure you keep Borax out of reach of your pets. This toxic powder can be toxic to humans and pets, and you want to make sure your family members stay healthy.