
How Important Are Ants to the World?

Despite their small size, ants have a huge impact on the planet. From carrying seeds to forming chemical cairns, ants play a huge role in shaping our world.

Ants are also known for their speed. In fact, ants can cycle through a generation of offspring faster than most mammals. Ants also have the ability to carry more than 100X their mass. This is due to the fact that ants are adept at tunneling. This allows water and oxygen to reach the roots of plants.

Ants are also a useful tool for ecological restoration. In this case, they help to restore degraded soil. They alter the soil’s pH and nutrient content. This is particularly useful in habitats with frequent fires.

Another cool ant fact: ants have been on Earth since the Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago. They are among the oldest known insects. They are also one of the most successful insects on the planet.

Unlike humans, ants have survived the mass extinction that killed dinosaurs. The ant’s biggest impact is that it helped to protect seeds. These seeds were more likely to survive drought. This is because ants carried them, allowing them to take root in more nutrient-rich soil.

It is estimated that ants account for about 20% of the biomass on Earth. This number is more than that of all wild mammals and birds combined.

Ants are important because they are very resourceful. They carry seeds, and they help keep pests in check. They also provide other food resources. In fact, ants are a critical component of the decomposition process.