
How Ants Can Cause Foundation Problems

Several species of ants can damage the foundation of your home. They can chew through drywall, plastic, wood, and concrete. They can also contaminate water and food. A pest control company can spray your foundation with insecticides or treat the outside of your home with a chemical barrier.

Carpenter ants are known to cause major damage to wooden structures. They can also build satellite nests inside your home. Carpenter ants are often found in basements or on the exterior of your house. These nests are usually food accessible.

In addition to destroying wood structures, carpenter ants can also cause foundation damage. If the infestation is large, you might need to hire an exterminator to treat your home. The ants will enter your home through cracks and holes in your foundation or through your windows. They can also chew through window caulk.

If you have a large number of ants, you may see piles of soil and sand on your sidewalk. They may also be found in the soil around your foundation. If you have an ant problem, seal cracks and gaps to prevent ants from getting in.

You should also consider trimming back plants to prevent ants from nesting. Ants are very attracted to moisture. They can move along roots and into moist underground areas.

If you see ant trails in the soil, it’s a sign that they are nesting. If you have a large number of ant colonies, you can try spraying your foundation with insecticides.