Do Big Ants Eat Small Ants?
Generally, big ants do not eat small ants. However, some species of ants do raid other ant colonies for food.
These ants have larger mandibles that they use to attack their prey. They can feed on their prey’s strength and energy. Their diet is mainly made up of meats, fats, and protein rich foods.
Generally, big ants do not scavenge dead insects and animals. However, they do clean up dead plant material. This helps them to avoid other predators. They also leave pheromone trails that help them to find their way back to the food source.
Some ant species also have a symbiotic relationship with aphids. The ants feed on the honeydew that is produced by the aphids. This is important for the energy needed by the workers.
Ants carry their food to their nest. They will also eat dead bugs, animals, and other things. However, some ants have developed a chemical sensing system that helps them to decide whether the protein or carbohydrate is the right type.
They will also release pheromones when they are injured. This helps the other ants in the colony. It also warns other insects to take the carcass away from the colony. It also helps the ants to communicate with other ants.
They are not as disgusting as water bugs or cockroaches. However, they can carry disease to humans. They can also contaminate food.
If you think you have ants in your home, call Parkway Pest Services. We can help you with carpenter ant control services.