
Do Ants Keep Pets?

Keeping ants as pets is not advised. The ants are not very friendly and they can bite your pets. They can also carry aphids into their nests.

If you decide to keep ants as pets, you need to provide them with plenty of protein. They also need water. Depending on the ant species, you can feed them fruit, insects, or even scraps of bread.

If you do decide to keep ants as pets, make sure you clean the area around the food bowl. This will remove the ant trail scent. Also, be sure to clean the bowl after each feeding.

If your pet has ants, you may want to consider using Frontline. This product is available in pet stores and is effective against ants. You can also purchase diatomaceous earth, which is a material that contains fossilized remains of small aquatic organisms.

Another option is to use a moat around the pet food bowl. This will prevent ants from getting in the food. A moat can be made with a shallow pan of water or a large bowl. It is also easy to clean.

Another pet-friendly ant control method is to use Fipronil, a nifty ant-killing product that is safe for dogs. It is slow-acting and has not shown any toxicity in dogs.

The best ant control method is to prevent ants from entering your home in the first place. This is easy to do by keeping your pet inside and removing trash on a regular basis.