
Can Dettol Prevent Ants From Entering Your Home?

Using a spray can prevent ants from entering your home. But the spray isn’t effective on all types of ants. Some species have a resistance to the active ingredients in Dettol.

In a study, a team of researchers from Stanford University surveyed 69 households in Silicon Valley. They found that sprays are only slightly more effective than household cleaners in killing ants.

However, some ants have a strong scent that is masked by spices and other repellents. Ants are capable of entering a home through gaps, cracks and other places.

If ants are entering your home, you may want to use one of these natural pesticides. These include dish soap, essential oils and water.

One of the best natural ant repellents is lemon eucalyptus oil. You can apply it directly to ants or mix it with water and spray it around the house. It is also available in health food stores.

Another effective natural ant repellent is tea tree oil. You can purchase tea tree oil online. Tea tree oil contains citronella, which is effective in deterring insects. You can apply tea tree oil directly to ants or mix it with water.

Another effective natural ant repellent involves using lemon juice. You can squirt lemon juice along the edge of your house or outdoor areas. Alternatively, you can place lemon rinds in your cupboards to discourage ants.

Borax has also been touted as a great ant repellent. However, it can be dangerous for children and pets. It can also irritate the skin.