
Are Ants Bad For Peonies?

Having ants in your peonies might seem a bit odd. You may be surprised to learn that they actually help the flowering plant by eating the sweet sap that the flower secretes during its development.

Peonies are very attractive to ants. They secrete a sugary coating on the bud to entice the critters. It provides them with a readily available food source.

Using insecticides can kill beneficial insects, as well as other organisms. These pesticides can also damage the soil and affect the plant.

Insecticides also harm beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies. This may be the reason why bee colonies are vanishing worldwide.

Peony flowers are a popular cut flower and attract swarms of ants. While this may not be a good thing, there are a few simple ways to keep these insects from ruining your peonies.

One method is to hold the flower upside down. This prevents the flower head from breaking off. Another is to hold the peony in a vase of water. This will also ward off the ants.

It is also possible to spray the peony with a garden hose. This is the least aggressive method, but it is still an option.

You can also remove ants from the peony by dipping it in water. This will remove the ants without damaging the petals.

Another way to remove ants from the peony is by shaking it. This method works best for the bud stage.