Where Can Silverfish Be Found in the UK?

Silverfish are nocturnal insects, which means they’re not easily visible during the day. But they do have a knack for hiding in dark corners, or even behind wallpaper.

These tiny creatures are not stinging and they’re not known to carry pathogens or diseases. However, some people may react to their skin or scales, which can cause allergic reactions.

If you suspect that your home is infested, a good first step is to take some steps to protect it. First, check your house for leaks and pools of water. You should also vacuum and dust regularly. A well-designed dehumidification system can also help.

Another important aspect is to remove any food sources from the area. Silverfish will eat cereals, paper, and glue. This makes them especially attracted to damp clothes and paper products.

It’s also a good idea to store your books and papers in a dry place. Dried foods should be stored in airtight containers.

To keep silverfish away, try using a natural repellent such as eucalyptus and peppermint oil. Some homeowners use commercial mixtures that are sold in grocery stores. Alternatively, you can make your own spray with washing up liquid and vinegar.

The grey silverfish is a new species that is emerging in the UK. It’s slightly larger than the common silverfish, but can survive in lower humidity.

Grey silverfish can be found anywhere indoors, including bathrooms and kitchens. They aren’t particularly dangerous, but they can be a real nuisance.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!