How to Protect Yourself From Mosquitoes in Turkey

During the summer in Turkey, mosquitoes are a nuisance to visitors and people who want to participate in outdoor activities. If you don’t know how to protect yourself, you can be bitten and become infected with many diseases. Some people develop pus-filled sores after being bitten.

There are a few ways to protect yourself from these biting pests. The first is to keep your skin protected from the sun. Wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water.

Another way is to use citronella oil. It can be found in health stores in the UK and Turkey. You can burn it in your room burners or light candles. It has a very strong smell, but it is said to repel mosquitoes.

You can also use camphor tablets. They are cheap in Turkey. You can place them on the plug holes in your house if the drainage is poor. You can also put them in small bowls on your windowsills.

There are also liquid repellents available. You can buy them in liquid form or in tablet form. You can also buy them online. You can also buy plugins for your room.

You should also avoid standing water, as it is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. If you have a garden, make sure you empty your water bowls daily. You can also spray the area with pesticide to help control the growth of these critters.

In addition to these tips, you can also help to prevent mosquitoes from spreading by keeping your room cool and using mosquito nets. This is important if you plan on staying in a hotel.