How Much Does it Cost to Get Rid of Cockroaches?

To get rid of cockroaches, you can use glue traps or other non-toxic methods. If you have a serious infestation, you can also use an extermination service. This will cost between $100 and $600 for a single treatment. The costs will vary depending on the number of roaches that need to be treated. If you have an infestation that is difficult to contain, you can also use fumigation, which can cost up to $1,200. However, this method will require you to leave your home for two to seven days to allow for the fumigation.

A good way to determine the cost of a cockroach extermination is to consult with several pest control companies. You should look for a company that is certified and licensed and has a proven track record for getting rid of cockroaches. You should also check for testimonials and information on the experts of each company. Also, make sure to choose a company that uses eco-friendly solutions. Some companies will charge more than others because of their expertise.

Roaches love food. They will eat crumbs, spills, and starchy or savory materials. Make sure to seal any areas where food can collect. Roaches will also feed off of garbage and pet food containers.