How Big Are Baby Cockroaches?

In order to determine how big baby cockroaches are, we have to look at the size of the adult cockroach. Typically, an adult cockroach lays about 17 eggs in each of its oothecae every month, and the nymphs are about 1/8 inch long. These nymphs will later develop a red-brown color, and a halo mark will appear behind their heads.

Unlike adult cockroaches, baby roaches do not have wings, so they can’t fly. Instead, they use their spiny legs to move through tight spaces. These legs are very strong and allow them to squeeze through tiny gaps and hide in hard-to-reach areas. This fact makes baby cockroaches a good indicator of the extent of German cockroach infestations. They prefer moist, warm environments.

The size of baby cockroaches is similar to that of adults. The American cockroach, for example, is one-half to two inches long when it emerges from its egg. The German roach is close to an eighth of an inch long, while the Brown Banded Cockroach is about half an inch long. In spite of their small size, both varieties are difficult to eradicate.

Regardless of whether you find baby cockroaches in your home or are unable to see them, you should take action. Early detection is the best approach. Even a single roach can indicate the presence of several others. A roach infestation can be difficult to eliminate, but catching the problem early can prevent several other problems for you and your family.