Do Bed Bugs Need Humans to Survive?

The question of whether bed bugs need humans to survive is a tricky one. It is important to note that different strains of bed bugs have different survival rates. The first instar, which dies most frequently, is far more vulnerable to starvation than later instars. However, the second and fifth instars, which mature into adults, are most resistant to starvation and survive for over a hundred days.

In general, bedbugs feed only at night. The time they feed varies, but it is common for them to feed for as long as three minutes. However, if they are exposed, they can go for as long as 15 minutes without feeding. Consequently, they may bite you several times per night.

The temperature of your home is another important factor in determining whether bed bugs will survive in your home. While bedbugs cannot survive at temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit, they will survive as long as the temperature is above 113 degrees. In a temperature-controlled house, bedbugs can survive without feeding for one to four months.

The best way to determine whether you have a bedbug infestation is to inspect your bed thoroughly. Look for black or red fecal stains on the bed and mattress’s surface. You can also look for shed nymph skins. Also, check the mattress’s seams.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!