
How to Keep Sugar Ants Out of Your Home

Whether you are considering hiring a professional pest removal company to rid your home of sugar ants, or trying to do it yourself, there are a few things you can do to help keep them out.

First, you need to know what sugar ants look like. They are small and black, with three jointed legs on each side of the thorax. They are commonly found in woodlands and in homes. They are attracted to anything sweet, especially honeydew. They also feed on nectar and soft drinks.

If you see sugar ants in your home, you can try treating your kitchen floor. Sweep it after meals and remove all trash on a regular basis. Also, vacuum the floor at least once a night during the summer.

Another way to keep sugar ants out of your home is to seal up any holes or cracks in your home. Sugar ants can enter through the foundation or cracks around doors and windows.

You can also get rid of sugar ants by using a natural pesticide. To do this, mix essential oils with cotton balls. Then place the cotton balls in a basin of water. As the ants fly in, the scent will drown them.

If you see sugar ants in spring, it is a good idea to spray them with a natural pesticide. If you have small children, make sure to use a safe indoor spray.

Another way to keep sugar ants away from your home is to store your sugars in airtight baking containers. Also, don’t leave any food on the floor. Sugar ants are attracted to sweet things, so don’t leave anything sticky. If you do leave something sweet on the floor, be sure to remove it immediately.